Medico-Legal Work – Prof. Ingvar Bjarnason


Professor Bjarnason will take on Medico-Legal work through direct application by solicitors for particular cases that fall within his specialty, special knowledge and interest. Cases of especial interest include those that relate to “Traveller’s Diarrhoea”, complications of NSAID treatment and small bowel disease and also cases relating to some other gastrointestinal disease.


Fees charged for publicly-funded cases are those accepted by the Legal Services Commission.


Fees for Medico-Legal reports:

The hourly rate for preparing medico-legal reports is £350.00 per hour.


Interviews with patients generally last for 1 hour.


The usual period of required reading of materials from supplied documentation is usually 3-4 hours but some additional time may be required in special cases where there is extensive documentation.


An average report takes 4 hours of work, with shorter and longer times depending of the complexity of the case being possible and as such, these are charged accordingly.


Travelling Time:

£200.00 per hour plus First Class rail fare on public transport and, if necessary, local taxi fares.


Attendance fee for Conference with Counsel:

£350.00 per hour of attendance. In addition, travel time as above, and preparation time.


Fees for Attending Court:

£2200.00 per day plus preparation time (£300.00 per hour) for giving evidence and travelling time (£200.00 per hour).


£1100.00 per half day plus preparation time and travelling time.


Cancelling fees:

A cancellation fee of 100% if cancelled within 7 days of the Court date, 50% if cancelled within 28 days.


It is a pre-requisite for agreeing and undertaking Medico-Legal cases that invoices are paid within 28 days of the day of issue.


Fees are non-negotiable and may be subject to alteration dependent on the case, record volume and other factors such as expedited deadlines and are subject to provision/disclosure of full medical records. We do not invite nor accept speculative interest from organisations/firms/agencies for inclusion in expert witness panels, or in medico-legal indexes or on pre-agreed-fee arrangements.