A portrait by one of my many talented patients!

Celebrations of the latest successful MD student Michael Sideris with his supervisors and his examiner Professor Emanuele Lezoche. Note the modest quality of the drinks and surroundings, so typical of UK academics.

One of us has yearly publications in Science and Nature. However I did train him!!

Sister Selma in outpatients is a specialist in a ‘small’ operation to render males infertile. 
She is a master baker of unhealthy cakes

Jazz is proof that extra terrestrials have visited planet Earth

Prof with Andy: 
Andy reduced the alcohol levels of gin from 40% to 37.5%. The distilleries 
thereby saved millions of pounds, but gin lovers have suffered ever since

George Sands is a trained neurologist, gastroenterologist and cardiologist and an 
accomplished historian and just shared a quality Peruvian meal with the Professor at Coya. 
But who is this guy on our shoulders?

Sverrir the talent, Prof the doer and Jan the magnificent, in front of their greasy spoon restaurant.

He, Sverrir, is the Professors most trusted friend for over 55 years and the king of Icelandic 
artistic ventures being an actor as well as well quite an exceptional singer amongst his range 
of qualities. His late mother said to me that I would envy his hair growth some 50 years ago. 
How silly was this!

The trinity (trinitas Τριάς) at King;s College Hospital.
The Professor with two aspiring youngsters to fill his shoes; Dr Heneghan who is leading the Institute of Liver Disease into medical history and Mr Papagrigoriadis who has resuscitated  colorectal surgery at King's so it is now an International clinical and academic player in minimally invasive colorectal surgery.

The Secretary of Health addressing his public after being
briefed by the Professor on how to run the NHS.
Unfortunately he has now taken an U turn on my 
advice and his future in government is doubtful.

At a banquet with the most eminent Professor Sakamoto

President of the Japanese Gastroenterology Association 2009.

Professor Bjarnason at Southwark Cathedral,

students' graduation day

In a friends house in Japan

Prof with a famous lady

Three delightful and marvellous Chinese women that facilitated my lecture

tour of China. Collectively they introduced me to food worthy of a chapter in

Michaels Winners Cook Book despite the fact that there is very little food in sight!

The good of NSAID research: Prof and Prof. Francis Chan

Despite his name (Prof Angel Lanas) he is the bad boy of NSAID-research,

consistently outperforming the rest

Prof and Prof Grigoris Potamianos from Athens

Prof with Prof. Sam Adler the king of capsule enteroscopy in Trafalgar Square.

Two cool, shifty looking guys hanging out.
Both have stories to tell but John beat me to it. Read his book
(Life Between the Lines: A Memoir by John Izbicki). He did the fox trot
with Mrs. Thatcher, saved the Open University and numerous other
important educational institutes, but was also up to mischief!
A great book, a man worthy of a picture with the Professor.

Professor with Prof Kudo from Japan who has redefined colonoscopy.
Not only has he done over 150.000 colonoscopies, has designed his own forceps
(The Kudo Forceps), has his own colon polyp classification system, does not require pathologist to determine the histologic grading of polyps, average time to caecum
is 90 seconds, but he was humble with regards the company he was with
when the picture was taken!

In Svalbard, mid day Dec 2012, no daylight.
The calpro gang.
Inge who discovered calprotectin, Steinar the CEO of Calprotectin and Prof
who did most of the clinical work. Faecal calprotectin is now the most rapidly
growing gastrointestinal test in the world.

Just behind us at Svalbard was this intriguing warning sign